In an evolving and recently re-surging COVID-19 world, these dates are ALL tentative. Please check with venues, close to the concert date, to confirm. We look forward to live concerts resuming AS SOON as it is safe to do so.
Thank you.
See also the Tours Page at Cuneiform Records.
The exuberant Swiss jazz/ pop/ beyond group - named after the American triple-Gold Medal winner at the 1904 Summer Olympics - are one of the most active groups on the European festival and club circuit, top-notch live performers ceaselessly honing their skills.
Listen to & buy: Tilt

Grammy winner Henry Kaiser is widely recognized as one of the most creative and innovative guitarists, improvisers, and producers in the fields of rock, jazz, world, and contemporary experimental musics.
THE HENRY KAISER WEEKLY SOLO SERIES, presented exclusively on the CUNEIFORM RECORDS YouTube Channel
When the Covid 19 pandemic lockdowns began in 2020, Henry Kaiser began curating & presenting a weekly series of pre-recorded music videos on Cuneiform's YoutTube Channel for music lovers isolating at home. When lockdowns began to lift, the series proved to be so popular that Henry continued posting new videos every Thursday. It's important to note that, while called Henry Kaiser Weekly Solo Series, many videos depict duets and bands (both recent [#22 and #31, showing performances of A Love Supreme Electric); and vintage, as in the 1994 Valentines concert of Grateful Dead material in the Fukuoka Dome ). Follow Cuneiform Records' YouTube Channel to see a new video from Henry every Thursday; all videos are archived online.
Listen to & buy:
Albums by Henry Kaiser & Friends on Cuneiform
A Love Supreme Electric [Vinny Golia / John Hanrahan / Henry Kaiser / Wayne Peet / Mike Watt]:
A Love Supreme Electric: A Love Supreme and Meditations

Yo Miles!: Henry Kaiser & Wadada Leo Smith: Sky Garden & Upriver

Five Times Surprise [Henry Kaiser / Anthony Pirog / Tracy Silverman / Jeff Sipe / Andy West]:
Five Times Surprise

Henry Kaiser & Ray Russell:
The Celestial Squid

Henry Kaiser: Lemon Fish Tweezer;
Fred Frith & Henry Kaiser: Friends & Enemies

Healing Force [Vinny Golia • Aurora Josephson • Henry Kaiser • Mike Keneally • Joe Morris • Damon Smith • Weasel Walter]:
Healing Force: The Songs of Albert Ayler
V.A.: 156 Strings: Nineteen Totally Original Acoustic Guitarists

One of France's major experimental musicians and a key figure in the development of electronic rock via his group Heldon and solo projects, guitarist and electronic musician Richard Pinhas performs with various groupings in Europe in 2020. Future plans include tours in Asia, North America and beyond.
January 31 - La Gaîté Lyrique - 3bis rue Papin - Paris, France - opening for Sunn O)))
Listen to & buy releases by Richard Pinhas & friends on Cuneiform:
Richard Pinhas: Process and Reality, Desolation Row, Metatron, Metal/Crystal, Tranzition, Event & Repetitions

Richard Pinhas & Barry Cleveland: Mu

Richard Pinhas & Oren Ambarchi: Tikkun

Richard Pinhas & Merzbow: Keio Line, Rhizome, Paris 2008
Richard Pinhas & Yoshida Tatsuya: Welcome in the Void

Schizotrope (Richard Pinhas & Maurice Dantec): The Life & Death of Marie Zorn

"Schnellertollermeier marries brutality to avant-garde rock and jazz. A classic power trio from Switzerland, the band plays with punk fury and dazzling technical dexterity to create booming, bone-rattling music that stalks, confronts and astonishes."
– The Wall Street Journal
Brutal-jazz power trio Schnellertollermeier doesn't compromise. Their fresh and uncompromising mix of jazz, punk, rock, sound and free improvised music, combined with great musicianship, interplay and intense energy, has awed audiences at festivals of jazz, rock, pop and experimental music worldwide. In celebration of their new release on Cuneiform, the album 5, they tour Northern Europe this winter.
February 11 - ISC Club- Neubrückstrasse 10- Bern, Switzerland
October 2 - Le Singe - Untergasse 21, Biel, Switzerland
October 9 - Guten-Morgen-Eberswalde - Eberswalde, Germany
October 12 - Dexter - Vindegade 65 - Odense C, Denmark
October 14 - Rotondes - Rue de la Rotonde - Luxembourg, Luxembourg
October 15 - LantarenVenster - Otto Reuchlinweg 996 - Rotterdam, Netherlands
October 16 - LOCH - Bergstraße 50 - Wuppertal, Germany
Thumbscrew is the all-star collaborative trio of Mary Halvorson (guitar), Tomas Fujiwara (drums), and Michael Formanek (acoustic bass). Each member is recognized in this year's 2020 Downbeat Critics' Poll - Fujiwara #2 for Rising Star Drums, Formanek placing in Bass, and Halvorson (a 2019 MacArthur Fellowship winner), named #1 Guitar and also placing in Jazz Artist Thumbscrew's critically acclaimed albums, all on Cuneiform Records, have appeared on Best of Year lists worldwide. Thumbscrew perform frequently at festivals and served numerous residencies at art centers and prominent venues in the US and abroad.
January 15 - The Village Vanguard - NYC, NY [streamed concert]
January 16 - The Village Vanguard - NYC, NY [streamed concert]
Listen to & buy:
The Anthony Braxton Project,
Ours, Theirs,
Convallaria, Thumbscrew
