Please visit the Tours Page at Cuneiform Records for updates.
Boston's Bent Knee embarks on an extensive North American tour.
December 1 - Bottom Lounge - Chicago, IL
Key players in the Portland, Oregon creative music scene, The Blue Cranes are one of the most exciting groups to keep tabs on in the Northwest. They’ve developed a singular musical voice grounded in melody and explosive improvisations—marking off their unique microcosmic territory in “post-jazz/jazz-not jazz” circles.
When Cuneiform released Glue Works, the Swedish band’s 3d album, praised its "Songwriting capable of nuances, humor, sweetness, epic complexity, and lyricism..A must-have for instrumental prog fans of both conservative and adventurous persuasions."
December 2 - Södra Teatern - Stockholm, Sweden [with Henrik Palm]
January 18 - Plan B - Malmö, Sweden
January 19 - Folk - Göteborg, Sweden
The exuberant Swiss jazz/pop/beyond group - named after the American triple-Gold Medal winner at the 1904 Summer Olympics - tours the European festival and club circuit, celebrating their Cuneiform release Tilt.
A Swiss jazz quintet consisting of two saxophones, tuba, trombone and drums, Le Rex plays music that is exuberant, groove-oriented, exciting and FUN!
January 11 - Kurturcinema - Arbon, Switzerland
January 17 - BeJazz Winterfestival - Bern, Switzerland
January 18 - Musegg - Luzern, Switherzland
January 19 - Neue Tonne - Dresden, Germany
January 20 - Blumenfressersalon - Mannheim, Germany
January 21 - SchonSchön - Mainz, Germany
January 24 - tba - Berlin, Germany
January 25 - tba - Leipzig, Germany
January 26 - Jazzclub Salzwedel - Salzwedel, Germany
A transatlantic (Paris & NYC) post-jazz trio, The Kandinsky Effect creates beautiful, groove-oriented, starkly modern music that blends elements of jazz with electronica, hip-hop and more.
Visionary jazz and electronic musician Rob Mazurek, a cornet player, improvisor, and band catalyst/leader has appeared on the cover of The Wire, the world's premiere avant music magazine and was voted Musician of the Year by Italy's top jazz magazine, Musica Jazz. He is constantly touring the world and is known as one of today's most intrepid and sought after sound explorers, as well as an accomplished visual artist.
A key figure on the UK jazz, rock & jazz-rock scenes since the '70s and a catalyst in the legendary 'Canterbury School' of progressive/jazz-rock music, British guitarist & composer Phil Miller released a number of archival and new recordings on Cuneiform before his 2017 death from cancer. He would have turned 70 in January 2019, which will be marked by a tribute concert in London.
January 6 - The Vortex - "Phil Miller: A Life in Music" (Tribute Concert) - London, UK
In this double tribute concert (separate afternoon & evening performances), Phil's music will once again be brought to life by an extensive line-up of musicians associated with him throughout his nearly 50-year career. 20+ musicians in various combinations will perform a set of Phil Miller compositions from his early bands Delivery, Matching Mole, Hatfield and the North and National Health, and then a second set focusing on the In Cahoots repertoire, the band he led from 1982 to 2011. Musicians include: Roy Babbington, Fred Baker, Paul Booth, Doug Boyle, Sarah Gail Brand, Paul Dufour, Jim Dvorak, John Etheridge, Simon Finch, Mark Fletcher, John Greaves, Carol Grimes, Marc Hadley, Mark Hewins, Jakko Jakszyk, Pete Lemer, Alex Maguire, Didier Malherbe, Patrice Meyer, Jack Monck, Michael O’Brien, Simon Picard, Trevor Tomkins, Theo Travis and Nick Twyman.
The Big Apple's beloved Ed Palermo Big Band, led by composer/ arranger/ saxophonist Ed Palermo, is celebrating two new albums on Cuneiform:
The Adventures of Zodd Zundgren & The Great Un-American Songbook: Volumes I & II
December 10 - The Iridium - 1650 Broadway - New York, NY (Palermo’s 16 piece band will mash-up holiday songs, Zappa music & the best progressive rock & jazz fusion tunes written!)

December 31 - The Falcon - 1348 Route 9W - Marlboro, NY 12542 (It's NEW YEAR'S EVE with the Ed Palermo Big Band!)

February 4 - The Iridium - 1650 Broadway - NYC, NY
February 16 - The Falcon - 1348 Route 9W - Marlboro, NY 12542
March 2 - The Iridium - 1650 Broadway - NYC, NY
April 13 - The Falcon - 1348 Route 9W - Marlboro, NY 12542
April 22 - The Iridium - 1650 Broadway - NYC, NY
May 20- The Iridium - 1650 Broadway - NYC, NY
June 15 - The Falcon - 1348 Route 9W - Marlboro, NY 12542
June 17 - The Iridium - 1650 Broadway - NYC, NY
July 15 - The Iridium - 1650 Broadway - NYC, NY
August 12 - The Iridium - 1650 Broadway - NYC, NY
August 17 - The Falcon - 1348 Route 9W - Marlboro, NY 12542
October 19 - The Falcon - 1348 Route 9W - Marlboro, NY 12542
December 21 - The Falcon - 1348 Route 9W - Marlboro, NY 12542
December 31 - The Falcon - 1348 Route 9W - Marlboro, NY 12542
Listen to & buy:
numerous Ed Palermo Big Band albums on Cuneiform

Norway's Pixel combines jazz with pop sensibilities.
UK's legendary Soft Machine
[John Etheridge, Theo Travis, Roy Babbington, John Marshall] continue on a major global tour
December 15 - Peppel - Zeist, The Netherlands
December 16 - Harmonie - Bonn, Germany
January 24, 2019 - Freight & Salvage - Berkely, CA [with Levin Brothers]
January 25, 2019 - Flynn's - Santa Cruz, CA [with Levin Brothers]
January 27, 2019 - Alberta Rose Theater - Portland, OR [with Moraine]
January 28, 2019 - Triple Door - Seattle, WA [with Moraine]
January 29, 2019 - Triple Door - Seattle, WA [with Moraine]
January 31, 2019 - The Baked Potato - Los Angeles, CA [two shows]
February 1, 2019 - The Baked Potato - Los Angeles, CA [two shows]
February 2, 2019 - Scottsdale Performing Arts Center - Scottsdale, AZ [with Levin Brothers]
February 4-8, 2019 - The Cruise To The Edge - Key West, FL, USA & Cozumel, Mexico
The Swiss band Sonar takes its name from SONic ARchitecture, an allusion to their goal of sculpting polymetric and highly structured avant-rock. One of the most remarkable guitar-focused bands on the global scene, Sonar's highly skilled members create rigorously composed, post-minimal progressive music that is instantly recognizable, notable for its collective restraint.
December 1 - Vortex - London, UK [Sonar with David Torn; & David Torn solo]
December 2 - Vortex - London, UK [Sonar with David Torn; & David Torn solo]
December 22 - Heiliggeist Church - Spitalgasse 44 - 3011 Bern - Switzerland [Sonar with trumpet/laptop player Werner Hasler]
SPELLCASTERS revive, celebrate and expand the distinct hybrid (rock/ bluegrass/ blues/ country) guitar music unique to the Washington DC region and associated with the late guitarist Danny Gatton. The DC-based all-star quintet is three great guitarists – Anthony Pirog, Dave Chappell, Joel Harrison – and Danny Gatton's stellar rhythm section, John Previte (bass) and Barry Hart (drums).
December 16 - Bertha's Mussels - Baltimore, MD [3:00 - 6:00 pm!]
Thumbscrew is the all-star collaborative trio of Mary Halvorson (guitar), Tomas Fujiwara (drums), and Michael Formanek (acoustic bass). Thumbscrew is celebrating the release of two new albums – Ours and Theirs – on Cuneiform, performing concerts at festivals and venues worldwide.
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